Scrolls A CLI tool for snippets and scripts.

Install Scrolls

curl -sSfL | bash

Latest version: checking..

What Does Scrolls Do?

Scrolls is a CLI tool for making, managing and using snippets/scripts in your terminal. Make a snippet in one of the many supported languages and execute it whenever you need it or simply echo it to stdout.

How do I..

If you need to know anything about any command, add --help to any command at any point.

Learn about scrolls and its commands?

$ scrolls --help

Choose where to store my scrolls?

$ scrolls config set library <path-to-dir>

Choose which editor to use?

$ scrolls config set editor <vim|nano|"path-to-editor"|..>

How do I enable completions?

$ scrolls completion <bash|zsh|fish> --help

About / Source

Scrolls CLI tool is open source, released under the MIT license.

Github: mreliasen/scrolls-cli, More Stuff: